Partners & Friends

Felbite is a website focused on private World of Warcraft servers. You can download addons, export ElvUI and WeakAura profiles, check out server news and guides.
Check out Felbite here!
Turtle WoW
Turtle WoW is a story expansion, inspired by Warcraft universe. It is a RolePlaying and PvE realm with new races, zones, questlines, items, professions, world bosses and hardcore mode. They are very supportive and I love their work!
Check out Turtle WoW here!
Chromie Craft
ChromieCraft is a QoL Enhanced World of Warcraft PvE private server. It is open source, and powered by AzerothCore. It is fully progressive, and right now preparing to progress to The Burning Crusade (3.3.5a client). They are the best!
Check out Chromie Craft here!
LegacyPlayers is a community driven project to establish a platform where people playing on all kind of expansions of World of Warcraft can share raid logs, PvP logs and armory data. The platform primarily allows for in-depth analysis for helpful insights of uploaded raid logs.
Check out LegacyPlayers here!